Thursday, December 30, 2010

Watergate's Legacy is on its way

After a long gestation, my book Watergate's Legacy and the Press: The Investigative Impulse will be arriving in bookstores on January 30.

The book explores the ups and downs of investigative reporting before, during and after the scandal that forced Richard Nixon to resign the presidency. It shows how Watergate changed journalism and what lies ahead for investigative reporting in the digital age.

You can order it directly from the Northwestern University Press or from Amazon, Borders, Barnes & Noble and other favorite booksellers.

It's already won some rave reviews:

“Jon Marshall has written a very readable, deeply researched and wisely analyzed assessment of American investigative reporting before and after Watergate. Based on my decades of practicing, editing, writing about and now teaching accountability journalism, I believe this book should be the benchmark authority for all future examinations of the subject. I know I will be going back to it again and again.”

Leonard Downie Jr., vice president at large and former executive editor of The Washington Post and Weil Family Professor of Journalism at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Arizona State University

“This is a remarkably complete and coherent account of the seminal role that investigative journalism has played in American history.”

Daniel Schorr, National Public Radio

“Jon Marshall captures the power of investigative reporting to keep our democracy strong, just and honest – and, in unflinching terms, the consequences when it’s done wrong or not at all. This is an inspired and inspiring survey of the craft’s past to present that gives me hope for its future.”

Deborah Nelson, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author of The War Behind Me,
past president of Investigative Reporters and Editors, and director of the Carnegie Seminar at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland

I hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.


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